
Our Mission

Empowerment to embrace change and become who you want to be!

At Metamorphosis Coaching, our mission is to empower individuals to embrace change and embark on a journey of personal transformation. We believe that every person has the potential for growth and self-improvement, and we are dedicated to guiding and supporting our clients in striving toward their full potential.

Are you feeling stuck?  Wanting something different in your life?  It is not always easy to make a change. Sometimes we know an aspect of our lives isn't serving our best interest.  Yet we have difficulty breaking free from it.  We hold onto our habits like an old friend we can count on.  It is our comfort zone.  Let Metamorphosis Coaching help you break free and get over the hurdles of creating change for yourself.  You CAN break old patterns and create a new future path for yourself!

About Your Life Coach

Your coach, Lynne Spencer, MA, provides compassionate and skillful guidance for transformation on your life journey.  She applies her 40 plus years of experience as a healer to help you discover more joyful and meaningful ways of life. 

Lynne cultivated her experience as a nurse, therapist, parent, friend, Healing Touch practitioner, and on her own journey as a human being.  She is a Certified Spiritual Life Coach. 

Lynne is passionate about helping others grow to their potential.  Let's enjoy and find meaning in our lives! Let's keep growing to be the best we can be, for ourselves and others! 

Namaste and enjoy the journey!

40+ Years of Experience

Inspired Clients

Transformed Lives

Ready to start your transformation?

Schedule a session with Metamorphosis Coaching today.

Take the first step towards creating positive change and achieving your goals. Our skilled coach is here to support you on your journey of personal growth and transformation.


Life Coaching is not therapy.  It can work alongside therapy with a different focus, or be a stand-alone service.  Life Coaching is about making changes in the here and now for a better future for yourself.  If you are overwhelmed or at risk of harming yourself or others, call 911, or 988 (Suicide Hotline), or go to the nearest Emergency Room.

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